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Communication and the Job Search Process

Communication and the Job Search Process

Q What appeared to be effective about the application letter examples? What might have been changed to make them more effective?How do you know what level of detail you should include in a resume?How should you organize your resume?How might you make your resume more computer-friendly? Why would it be necessary to consider doing so?How can you decide whether to have a chronological, functional, or combination resume?Based on your experience, what are some important things to keep in mind during the actual interview, during which you are communicating orally with your potential employer?A lot of people will say you need to have a "professional appearance" when interviewing. What does this concept mean to you? How might it differ depending on audience?What is a general organization pattern for a good news letter? For a bad news letter?After reading the handout "Effective and Ineffective Application Letter Examples," what might you do to improve the ineffective examples?What did you find effective about the examples included in the textbook?

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It has been observed that the application letter should follow its proper format for doing its actual job. The best example is that the application letter should be engaging, therefore, it will attract the employer. The position of the job should be mentioned in the application letter in order to make it more effective. There is also a need of mentioning the exact need of hiring the employee and what will be the benefit of the employer (Nguyen and Daniel 2016). The summary of strengths, work experience and qualification might have been changed to make the application letter more effective.